Services provided by
etamax for ESABASE2
Analysis Service
The proper application of the models, which describe the particulate environment of the Earth and it’s potential effects on spacecraft, and the tools based on these models is an expert task. It requires a sound technical and theoretical background, experience in the application of tools and especially the knowledge and ability to interpret and explain the results provided. We offer to provide this know-how to your project, performing the assessment for you by our experienced staff.

Our heritage includes
Participation in the development of ESA’s
Space Debris Mitigation Handbook
Participation in the development of
DRAMA – ESA’s Debris Risk Assessment
and Mitigation Analysis tool
Many risk assessment consultancies
for European Space Industry
Participation in the development of ESA’s
MASTER (Meteoroid and Space Debris
Terrestrial Environment Reference) model
Development of ESABASE2 – ESA’s
standard risk assessment tool
Our impact risk assessment services include
Selection and justification of the
environment models and failure equations
Establishment and justification of the
mission damage susceptibility approach
3D M/OD analyses by means of
the ESABASE2/Debris software
Discussion of the results vs.
requirements and provision of design
improvement recommendations
Establishment of satellite
geometrical model
Documentation and detailed
discussion of the analysis results
Additional services for mission safety that can be provided by FEV etamax
Space environment analyses
(e.g. effects of atomic oxygen)
Collision risk assessment and
avoidance manoeuvre planning
Re-entry safety analysis
The results that FEV etamax provides
Are qualified to support the
acceptance process at ESA
Enhance the mission safety
Address the requirements posed by the respective standards
(e.g. ISO 24113 and subsequent standards; European Code of
Conduct for Space Debris Mitigation, etc.)
Recommended steps to order a consultancy service
Please contact us, e.g. via email, with
“ESABASE2 Analysis Service Request”
in the subject line.
We will send you a questionnaire,
asking for details of the required
You send the completed
questionaire back to us.
We provide you with an offer, detailing
both the level of the assessment and
associated costs.
Upon receipt of your purchase order,
we will perform the assessment ( 1-3
months, depending on the complexity).
FEV etamax offers a variety of ESABASE2 trainings to make you familiar with all aspects of the tool. Each of the training modules is offered via three types of training (see table below) to properly respond to your training needs.
Module A
ESABASE2 practice
Become familiar with the necessary basics to efficiently
operate ESABASE2. Profit from the knowledge of the
ESABASE2 developers, providing a comprehensive
introduction and hands-on training of the following features.
Duration: 1 day
Available space environment
models and their physical
The ESABASE2 framework
(editors, interfaces)
Pre-processing and
post-processing capabilities
Module B
ESABASE2 practice (M/OD)
Run through a realistic risk analysis scenario and perform a
M/OD risk analysis from end to end. Learn about the proper
selection of the physical models and the analysis features
offered by the ESABASE2 framework
Duration: 1 day
Selection of the M/OD model
and damage equations and
their associated parameters
Running the analysis
Interpretation of results
Module C
ESABASE2 practice (Other Modules)
Domain specialists will train you on the proper selection and
application of physical models offered by the ESABASE2
* COMOVA training is provided by ONERAS‘s
outgassing and contamination experts.
Duration: 1 day
Training for modules
Atmosphere / Ionosphere
Note: Registrations will be handled on a ‘first come – first serve’ basis. Acceptance of the registration is subject to the required min./max. number of participants. a course, please contact us indicating which Type and Modules you are interested in.
If you are interested in participating in a course, please contact us indicating which Type and Modules you are interested in.
Course Fees for Different ESABASE2 Training Courses
Licensed items
Type I
Type II
Type III
(Conculting Service)
etamax premisses,
at customer
min 3
max 8
min 3
max 8
max 2
Costs per participant
Module A (mandatory)
Module A + B
Module A + C
on request
on request
Expert consulting services of
varying content as agreed with
the customer
Module A (mandotary)
Type I (Standard)
Etamax premisses, Braunschweig**
min 3 max 8
Costs per participant
Type II (On-site)
Etamax premisses, Braunschweig**
min 3 max 8
Costs per participant
Type III (Consulting Service)
Etamax premisses, Braunschweig**
max 2
Costs per participant
Module A + B
Type I (Standard)
Etamax premisses, Braunschweig**
min 3 max 8
Costs per participant
Type II (On-site)
Etamax premisses, Braunschweig**
min 3 max 8
Costs per participant
Type III (Consulting Service)
Etamax premisses, Braunschweig**
min 3 max 8
Costs per participant
Module A + C
Type I (Standard)
Etamax premisses, Braunschweig**
min 3 max 8
Costs per participant
on request
Type II (On-site)
Etamax premisses, Braunschweig**
min 3 max 8
Costs per participant
on request
Type III (Consulting Service)
Etamax premisses, Braunschweig**
min 3 max 8
Costs per participant
Expert consulting services as agreed with the customer
Type I (Standard)
Etamax premisses, Braunschweig**
min 3 max 8
Costs per participant
Type II (On-site)
Etamax premisses, Braunschweig**
min 3 max 8
Costs per participant
Type III (Consulting Service)
Etamax premisses, Braunschweig**
min 3 max 8
Costs per participant
*Inside Germany, a travel allowance of 200 EUR per commenced training/consulting day will be charged. All prices are net prices without VAT.
** Online courses are also possible